SHREWSBURY AND DISTRICT DARTS LEAGUE Home of Shrewsbury Darts Sponsored by Darwin Glass & Glazing
SHREWSBURY AND DISTRICT DARTS LEAGUEHome of Shrewsbury DartsSponsored by Darwin Glass & Glazing


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1.    NAME

  • The league shall be known as “THE SHREWSBURY & DISTRICT DARTS LEAGUE” (hereinafter referred to as the League).


  1. The objects of the League shall be to promote the playing  of the game of Darts for its members.
  2. Without prejudice to any other provision of these rules the League may in furtherance of its object, (a) Provide funds by way of entry fees, levies or otherwise as may from time to time be determined and accept gifts of money or in kind and carry out any wishes in relation to such gifts which are in conformity with the objects of the League. (b) Contribute to the funds of or combine with or affiliate to or enter in agreement or working arrangements with any other organisation whether corporate or incorporate, having the same objects of the League.


  1. Ordinary Members. (a) Any Dart Club operating from licensed premises may apply for membership of the League. (b) All applicants for membership shall be subject to the approval of an Annual General Meeting. If there are more applicants for membership than there are vacancies in the League, a ballot shall be conducted at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. Life Members. (a) In recognition of services rendered to the League, Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on any person. (b) The Executive Committee shall submit any nomination for Honorary Life Membership to an Annual General Meeting for confirmation.


  1. Ordinary Members. Every Member Club or the League shall be entitled to send delegate(s) to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings of the League. The number of delegates to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  2. Honorary Life Members. An Honorary Life Member shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings of the League and meetings of the Executive Committee, but without any right to speak or vote at the meetings or to take part in the management of the League.
  3. Duties. Every Member shall pay all entry fees, levies or other sums required to be paid under these rules as and when the same may be payable.
  4. Member Clubs shall at all times observe the rules of the League and any regulations made there under and abide by any decisions made under the rules.
  5. A Club ceasing to be a member of the League shall cease to have any interest or right whatsoever in or over the funds and property of the League.


  1. Ordinary Members. All Members shall pay an entry fee to the League of £35.00 per season. This fee must be paid by a time and date decided by the Executive Committee. Any Member Club failing to pay their entry fee by the given date will be deemed to have resigned from the League and will not be eligible to re-apply for membership until five years have elapsed.
  2. New Members New Member Clubs elected at an Annual General Meeting must pay their entry fees immediately after the closure of the Annual General Meeting.


  1. The governing body of the League shall be the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the League.
  2. Between the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings the general management and control of the League and the handling of its whole affairs shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
  3. The League shall be divided into Divisions, the number of Divisions to be determined by the Annual General Meeting. There shall be no more than 18 teams in a Division.
  4. The League shall be run on a promotion/relegation system. The winners , runners up and third of each Division (except the first Division) shall be promoted to a higher Division and the bottom three teams of each Division shall be relegated to a lower Division. The bottom two teams of the lowest Division shall apply for re-election to the League at the Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the Compasses Ladies who have automatic entry into the League. The Executive Committee shall leave the power to promote more than two teams from any Division
  5. In the League, if the teams are level by Points, Aggregate, For and Against then wins will be determine the teams position.


  1. Annual General Meeting (a) The Annual General Meeting shallbe held at a time and place decided by the Executive Committeein the month of June. (b) The Annual General Meeting shall receive a report and a statement of accounts for the year from the retiring Executive Committee. (c) The Annual General Meeting shall determine the policies of the League and elect to all positions falling due forelection under these rules.
  2. Special General Meeting (a) A Special General Meeting may be called at any time on the request of a majority of the member clubs. (b) The President or in his absence the Chairman shall preside at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings. The Officer presidingat the time shall be entitled to a casting vote in the event of an equal number of votes being cast on either side of a motion.


  • (a)  Representation at the Annual General or Special General Meetings shall be from member clubs, each of the clubs shall have one vote only.

  • (b)  Representatives of new clubs applying for membership of the League may attend the Annual General Meeting, but shallnot be entitled to vote until such time as they are elected to the League, they then will be entitled to one vote only.

  • (c)  Any Member Club failing to have a representative present at the Annual General Meeting shall be liable to a fine of £10.


  • Member Clubs may submit motions for discussion at the Annual General Meeting but such motions must be submitted to the General Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.


  1. Composition.The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, General Treasurer, and Divisional Secretaries from each Division of the League.
  2. Officers.The President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, and General Treasurer shall be considered to be Senior Officers of the League.
  3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as decided by the Senior Officers.
  4. Absences. Any member absent from an Executive Committee meeting shall furnish an explanation for such absence. Any member absent from two consecutive meetings without adequate reason shall be considered to have resigned  from office.
  5. Sub Committee.The Executive Committee shall have the power  to appoint such sub-committees as may be deemed necessary.
  6. Co-option.The Executive Committee has the power to co-opt additional members in an advisory capacity.
  7. All members of the Executive Committee must be registered as players in the League, and signed on an official RegistrationForm.
  8. Two Committee Members from one team may serve on The Executive Committee.
  9. Any member of the Executive Committee whose club is involved in any matter of discipline shall not sit or take part in any meeting where the matter is discussed or vote on its resolution.
  10. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee or any sub-committee shall consist of a majority of the voting members eligible to attend the meeting.


  1. Executive Committee.The whole of the Executive Committee shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting.
  2. Nominations. Member Clubs may nominate candidates for each position of the Executive Committee. Such nominations must be sent to the General Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.  The retiring Executive Committee shall indicate by means of a circular their willingness to stand for re-election and this shall be considered to be a nomination.
  3. Tellers. The Annual General Meeting shall appoint two persons to act as tellers at that meeting.


  1. Members of the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee may be removed from office by a decision made at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.The recommendation for removal shall be made by the Executive Committee, which shall by a five-sixths majority decision have power to suspend any such persons from duty in his office pending a final decision by a meeting.
  2. Member Clubs. Any Member club who fails to pay a fine or levy imposed by the Executive Committee shall be liable to expulsion from the League. Any registered players of a member club thus expelled are liable to be banned from playing in the League for a set period of time. The decision to expel any Member Club shall be invested in the Executive Committee and subject to confirmation by an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

13.  FUNDS

  1. The funds of the League shall be under the control of the Executive Committee who shall delegate the management thereof to the General Treasurer.
  2. All funds and moneys of the League requiring investment shall be invested by the Executive Committee in the name of the League.
  3. The names of the General Treasurer, General Secretary and one other nominated Committee Member shall be registered with the bankers as cheque signatories. The bankers will be instructed to honour cheques signed by any two of the signatories.


  • The League accounts shall be audited each year by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the Executive Committee.


  • All clubs or individuals who win any of the League's Perpetual Trophies shall be responsible for the upkeep and wellbeing of the trophy won. Such trophies shall only be presented on finals night. The club or individual holding such trophy shall be liable to pay for the cleaning, repair or loss of such trophy.

16.  RULES

  1. Amendments: No new rule shall be made, or any rules herein, or hereafter to be made, may be amended or rescinded except by a majority of the votes cast at an Annual General or Special General Meeting. Member Clubs may submit amendments to the rules, but such amendments must be sent to the General Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
  2. Interpretation: The interpretation of these rules shall be invested in the President.
  3. Rulings: The Executive Committee shall have the power to give rulings on any matter on which the rules are silent after the President has ruled that the rules are silent.



  1. All players must register on an official Registration Form. The Registration Form must be countersigned by a member of the Executive Committee at least 24 hours before the date of the match the player is required to play in. A member of the Executive Committee shall not be permitted to countersign a Registration Form for anyone wishing to play for the same team as him or herself.
  2. The closing date for all registration shall be the last day of December of each year.
  3. A Player shall register for one team only. A player who signs for more than one team shall be banned from playing in the League and Cup(s) for the remainder of the season.


  • In the event of a team playing a non registered player, a fine of £10.00 will be imposed and the result of the game being awarded to the opponents 8-0.


  1. A Darts team shall consist of eight players (Seven in Cup matches (amended from 9 to 7 as per AGM 2021))
  2. In the event of a team playing with less than eight players (Seven in cup matches), a score of 2-0 shall be awarded to each player who has no opponent.
  3. In the event of a team failing to arrive at a match a score of 8-0 shall be recorded by their opponent.
  4. Any pub or Club who will not allow under 18 players of age of the opposition to play in the game when at home must play there game away or forfeit the game 8-0.


  1. Matches are to take place on Mondays of each week.  If through the premises being closed on that day, mutual agreement must be made to play during the same week.  If the teams cannot come to an agreement the matter should be bought to the attention of the General Secretary. 
  2. A) Re-arranged Matches. Any team failing to play on a date which has been re-arranged will concede the match and a score of 8-0 shall be recorded by their opponents ​​B) There will be no rearranged matches to be played after the original match date with the exception of the public house being flooded.
  3. Order of Play (i) Team Captains in all matches including cup semi-finals and finals may pick their teams at will.They do not have to name players or order of play in advance of the start of the game.  (ii) Teams who do not have a full compliment of players shall record the fact on the result card. All matches are to commence not later than 8.30 p.m.  A player must commence his game within ten minutes of the completion of the previous game.
  4. Officals. It is recommended that neutral officials be used at all matches. If they are not available the home team shall  provide the marker and the visiting team the checker .The marker will instruct the players only to have 9 darts practice after the names have been put on the card.
  5. Officials' Duties:. The score shall be called by the checker and no score shall be recorded by the marker until three darts have   been thrown.  A player may be told on request what he has scored or what number he required for game, but not how to get it.  When the score has been called by the checker and recorded by the marker such score shall stand.  An error by the marker or checker must be corrected before the player concerned commences his next throw.  Should a dart fall from the board before the total score is called, such dart will not count in the total score.  The checker in the capacity of referee shall make the final decision in all matters, but the Executive Committee shall have the power to reserve or rescind any decision upon the receipt of protest.
  6. Method of scoring:  In all matches the score shall be recorded in a manner clearly visible to the player. Scoring shall be by the subtraction method, so that the number required for the game is always shown. The score must be put down on the left and what is required on the right. It is not permissable to show the double required. The winner of there game must mark the next game in all competitions.
  7. Games. In a Darts Match each game shall be the best of three legs 301 down, start and finish on a double 1-20 or 50. Home team to have open board at 8.15 to allow away team to have a practice.

  8. Order of Starting.

    a) The order of starting shall be determined by each player throwing one dart at the board.  The player whose dart   is nearest the centre of the board shall throw first.  The player who starts second in the first leg shall start first in the second leg irrespective of the result of the first leg.  If the score is leg and leg the players shall throw nearest the centre of the board to determine who shall start first in the third leg with the away player going for bull first.   A dart failing to stick in the board shall be re-thrown (this applies to the method of starting only).
    b) Once the first player has gone for the bullseye, they must return behind the oche, you cannot stand and wait by the match official.

  9. Burst Rule. The burst rule applies if the number required is exceeded, or only one is required, no account of the score is taken.

  10. Scoring Darts. Darts which fail to stick in the board cannot be re-thrown and only darts of which the points are touching the surface of the board shall count in the score.

  11. Conduct. The Captains shall be responsible for the conduct of all players and games. The strictest of orders should be kept and no comments made during play.

  12. Notification of Results. The home Captain shall notify the Divisional Secretary of the result of the game by submitting the result cards within 96 hours of playing. Offenders of this rule will be imposed with a fine of £10.00, except in Cup matches when the General Secretary shall be notified of the result within 96 hours of playing. Persistent offenders of this rule are liable to be fined £10.00.

  13. Team Captains who send in the result cards in the post with no postage stamp causing extra postage to be paid. League to impose a fine of not less than £10.00.

  14. Points. Points allocated for all League matches shall be as follows: - win: 2 points; draw: 1 point; lose: nil points.

  15. No points awarded if game finishes 4-3 if neither team has a last player as per AGM 2021

  16. Result cards to be posted online on Facebook Division page on the night after match, £10.00 fine will apply if failed.


  • All boards must be of a bristle type and comply with the following standards:-  diameter = 18”, outer bull = 1¼”, inner bull =  ½”, doubles and trebles ⅜” wide, inside treble and double circle 7½” and 12½” respectively.  The board may be any colour provided the beds are of alternative colour and in reasonable playing condition.


  • All Clubs are liable to have their board and pitch inspected by a League Official.  Any team altering their pitch must notify the General Secretary or a change of pitch will be fined £5.00.


  • The throwing distance shall be 7 ft. 9 ¼ .The centre of the bull to be 5’ 8” from the floor and an imaginary line parallel to the floor, 7 ft  9 ¼ long from the centre of the bull shall consist of the actual throw.  A fixture on the floor shall denote the 7 ft 9 ¼ mark and shall be at least 18” long.  A raised oche is required of 1to 2 inches.  The board shall be fixed firmly to the wall.  There shall be no obstacle between the player and the board.  Standing in front of the 7 ft 9 ¼  mark shall count as no throw.


  • Any protest must be forwarded to the General Secretary not later than two days after the event on which the protest is made, and must be accompanied by the protest fee of £5.00 which will be returned if the protest is upheld.  Protests against playing conditions must be made before the commencement of a match or game.  The playing of a match or game presumes satisfactory conditions.  If a protest is made the Result Card must be endorsed “match played under protest” and stating the point of the match from which the protest is made.  Any appeal against the Executive Committee’s decision on a protest must be accompanied by a fee of £10.00 which will be returned if the appeal is upheld. 


  • A registered player who wishes to transfer to another club shall obtain a Transfer Form costing £3.50 from any member of the Executive Committee.  The completed Transfer Form must be countersigned by a member of the Executive Committee at least 48 hours prior to the match in which the transferred player wishes to play.  Once a player has transferred, he can no longer play in the League or Cup(s) for the team he has left.  If he has played in a Cup match for the team he has left, he is not eligible to play in any Cup match for the team he joins.  A player may continue to play in the Three-A-Side Competition for the team he has left.  The closing date for all transfers is 31st December each year.


1. All competitions are to be online with no paperwork after the first rounds of any competitions.

2. In the 2nd Round of all competitions, will play down to the final 4 player at X venues to get to the last 16 (this is               depending on the entries in the main and consolation competitions.



  • (a) Any two registered players may enter who play for the same public house or social club.
  • (b) Games to be 401 down, double start and finish, best of three legs.
  • (c) The throwing order may be altered at the start of any leg.
  • (d) The order of starting to be decided as per regulation 4.9.
  • (e) A partner may be changed providing the General Secretary is notified at least 24 hours prior to the first round being played. If a partner is changed, the change remains effective for the remainder of the competition. No change of partner is permitted after the first round has been played.


  • (a) Any lady or gentleman may enter provided on of the pair is a registered player in the league.
  • (b) Games to be 401 down, double start and finish, best of three legs.The throwing order may be altered at the start of any leg.
  • (c) The order of starting to be decided as per regulation 4.9.
  • (d) Player may give advice to each other during the game.
  • (e) A partner may be changed as per regulation (e) in the Doubles regulations.


  • (a) A team to consist of a maximum of four registered players from the same public house or social club.
  • (b) Any three of the four players may play in any round.
  • (c) A team cannot be altered once the game has commenced.
  • (d) The team cannot be changed once the game has commenced.
  • (e) The throwing order may be altered before the start of any leg.
  • (f) Not less than two players may play in any game, and then the team must forfeit the turn of the missing player.
  • (g) Legs to be 501 down, flying start and double finish, best of three legs.
  • (h) The order of starting to be decided as per Regulation 4.9.


  • (a) Any team playing in the Challenge or Subsidary cup semi-finals may only play players who have played 5 or more League or Cup games during the season.


  • The use of electronic scoreboards is permitted providing the last five scores are displayed.


Main Sponsor

We are located at:

Shrewsbury and District Darts League

Telegraph Inn



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